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                                                                          GOD OF THIS WORLD Scripture declares that Satan is the ‘god of thi...


    Many Christians and non - Christians have asked the question, "If God created EVERYTHING and He is a LOVING God, why did He create Satan ?" And the stock answer that most clergymen give to this question is, "God did not create Satan. Satan was originally an angel created by God. This Angel due to his pride defied God and became Satan ." Now to the questions "If God is loving, why does He allow suffering ?" The clergy give a similar answer, "Adam brought on suffering on mankind by his disobedience to God". These answers are not satisfying nor strictly correct if God is OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT, and OMNIPRESENT. The Bible reveals that God is in SUPREME and COMPLETE control of EVERYTHING in heaven and on earth. "The WILL of the Lord ALONE is ALWAYS carried out " (Lam 3.37). "He does whatever He wishes in heaven andon earth" (Psalm 135.6). Therefore the above two events could NOT have taken place UNLESS GOD PERMITTED them to happen. he know that God is loving because "God IS Love " (1 John 4.8). we also know that God is NEVER in error. "True and righteous are thy judgements " (Rev 16.7). So let us look-look into His Word and ascertain His reasons for the above.

    God gave all created individuals - angels and mankind a FREE -WILL . Free - will is the power of choice between God's will for the individual and the individual's own will. God in his wisdom did NOT want EITHER angels or man to be mere PRE- programmed robots AUTOMATICALLY doing ONLY God's will. God EVEN gave Jesus a Free - will. God did NOT want Jesus to agree to die on the cross because he willed it. God wanted Jesus to lay down his life for man of his OWN accord. This Jesus did. Jesus said, "NO ONE takes my life away from me. I give it up of MY OWN Free - will "(Joan 10.18). Jesus like ALL other human beings had to experience within him the tug - of - war between God's will and his own will. "My spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak " (Matt 26.41). "My inner being delights in the law of God. But I see a different law at work in my body - a law that FIGHTS against the law which my mind approves of" (Romans 7.23). But Jesus through prayer and constant fellowship with his Father, ALWAYS overcame the desire to do his own will and was able to do Gods will in ALL things. Jesus said, "my food is to obey the will of the one who sent me and finish the work he gave me to do "(John 4.34). Jesus did this to the last. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed to his Father to remove his cup of suffering but ONLY if it was his Father’s will and NOT because he asked. "Yet not what I wants but what YOU want" (Mark 14.36).
    In Pauses letter to Philemon, he requested Philemon to receive Onesimus. Paul referred to Onesimus as his OWN son in Christ and referred to himself as Onesimus’' spiritual FATHER. Paul said "I am sending him back so you now, and with him goes MY HEART "(v 12). Then Paul stated the KEY to God's relationship with man. Paul said, "however I do NOT want to FORCE you to help me; rather, I would like YOU to do it of your OWN free - will "(v 14). This is an EXACT parallel to how God expects man to receive His Son Jesus whom be sent to us. We have to receive Jesus of our OWN free - will.
    With regard to God's plan of Salvation for man it is imperative that we understand that it was NOT a plan formulated by God AFTER Adam and Eve disobeying HIM*.. . HE had been chosen by God BEFORE the creation of the world and was revealed in these last days for your sake "(1 Peter 1.19,20). "God by his power of prior knowledge KNEW that one Lucifer the angel was created that he would rebel and become Satan. God ALSO knew that Adam and Eve would succumb to Satan's temptations and would disobey Him.
    Lucifer was a highly exalted angel created by God. But Pride made Lucifer use the free - will given to him by God to Choose to act contrary to God's will for him. Lucifer thus became Satan . Lucifer also influenced a number of God’s angels to use their free - will to choose to follow him rather than God (Isaiah 14.12 - 14, Ezekiel 25 - 17, Rev 12.7 - 9). God is OMNIPOTENT and COULD have
    NOT permitted Satan to come into existence. But God in his wisdom ALLOWED Satan to come into beings for it was part of His MASTER plan of salvation for man. The Bible tells us that ALL God's acts are MERCIFUL. "The Lord is righteous in ALL he does, MERCIFUL in all his acts" (Psalm 145.17). God makes ALL things work TOGETHER so that the ultimate result is ALWAYS a BLESSING. "And we know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER for GOOD to them that love God". (Romans 8.28).
    God said to man, "Today I am giving you a CHOICE between GOOD and EVIL, between LIFE and DEATH "(Deut 30.15). God enables man to use his free will. both god and satan are happend to do so. To understand the PURITY of WHITE, the DARKNESS of BLACK is necessary. God at the same time makes it clear to man that the choice of EVIL leads to DEATH (the ETERNAL separation from the presence of God ) and choice of GOOD to LIFE.

    This LIFE is LIFE ETERNAL for man as an IMMORTAL being in the presence of God (1 Cor. 15.42 - 54). But the ONLY way a man can escape DEATH and receive LIFE ETERNAL is through Jesus. "I am the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIFE; no one goes to the Father, EXCEPT by ME"(John 14.6). so we see that it is the existence of Satan that creates the NECESSARY conditions in the world to make man realize his NEED for God's Son Jesus as Savior. Further God PERMITS* Satan to bring SUFFERING on man to make him realize his own INSUFFICIENCY and to create in man a greater awareness of God's. presence in his life.
    However good may may try to be on his OWN, his BEST deeds are like FILTHY rags in the presence of God (Isaiah 64.6). Job was the MOST righteous man on earth in his time (Job 1.8). But EVEN Job could NOT face God. "I am ashamed of all I have said and repent in dust and ashes "(Job 42.6). When God in HIS mercy allowed Satan to bring a PAINFUL physical ailment in Paul, to prevent him from developing PRIDE the PRIMARY cause of ALL sin against God, Paul realized that INSPITE of his own righteousness, he too was vulnerable to sin. When Paul prayed to God to remove his suffering , God answered "My grace is ALL you need, for my power is STRONGEST when YOU are weak" (2 Cor 12.7 - 10). Paul was made to see God's grace and blessing EVEN in tribulation. Paul also realized that his suffering gave him a greater awareness of the presence of God in his life. "I am  happy, then, to be proud of my weak ness in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me. i have filled with , insults, weakness, hardships, persecutions and difficulties for Christ’s sake. For when I am WEAK, then I am STRONG (2 Nor 12.9,10).

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